Thursday, July 11, 2013

[MANNAM Korean Class] Basic Class - Busan South Korean Class

I’m sure you’ve all struggled in the past to learn Korean, fiddling around with those ever-confusing verbs and adjectives. And, It is hard to study alone.
But,!!MANNAM Korean Class can help you study Korean.
Korean Class is held every week from 2~9pm in Busan.
Foreigner people in Korea are interested in learning Korean.
MANNAM Korean Class is providing free classes to foreigners who wish to attend classes.
There are 6 classes according to level; Beginner, Basic1, Basic2, Intermidiate, Speaking and Writing.
Also, we have activity program in 16weeks. It will  so fuuny time to you.
When you need to learn korean more systematically, come and join with us.
Let's work together, and everyone can enjoy Korean Class.


  1. Wow. This picture is so good :)
    Korean is difficult.It sure is. haha

  2. MANNAM Korean Class is providing free classes to foreigners who wish to attend classes.

    There are 6 classes according to level; Beginner, Basic1, Basic2, Intermidiate, Speaking and Writing.

    Are these all true?!!!
    I can't believe it!
    This fact makes me think that
    MANNAM is really the light. ^^
