Love of Taegeuk, (Korean Flag) and Love of Mugungwha, (Rose of Sharon)
Let’s brighten this dark world by gathering people of light and bringing them together!
MANNAM Corporation, which focuses on culture and art, has joined the world's 54 volunteer organizations.
MANNAM Corporation mainly volunteered around Gangnam, Seoul, unnoticeably, but with a pure heart. In 2008, a bazaar was held for those in need at the Apgujung, Chungdam elementary school and ten thousand citizens, including local residents participated. Gangnam district office was surprised with the outcome and suggested holding another event together. So, on April 6th, Memorial Day of 2009, a public patriotic event was held which one hundred thousand people participated on Yeongdong main-street (blocking eight-lanes) in front of the Coex Mall and MANNAM Corporation became known as a light of the world.
From the spark of these events, MANNAM Corporation became a global volunteer organization by allying with 54 domestic and foreign volunteer organizations. The united volunteer organization is enthusiastically volunteering with many domestic and foreign regions.
MANNAM, the pride of Korea, will spread the culture of love by lighting up the darkness with the light of love.
The World’s best handprint Korean Flag
Entered in the Korean Genus book of record. The world’s largest handprint Korean Flag is kept preserved in the National Cemetery. Width 60m x Length 40m, a total of 17,337 people participated.
The world's largest Korean flag, made by handprints, was listed in the Korean Guinness Book on 2009, July 18th. From Children's Day (May 5th) when the Korean flag was simply a pure-white sheet, till the completion of the flag, it stayed on displayed at the Olympic Park Peace Plaza, where every country’s flags exist. This was a precious time of sharing for citizens of Korea to confirm their love of the Korean flag, without distinction of gender, age, or nationality. It was a moment in which Korea and the world could become one, by gathering people’s hearts and participating in the simple action of hand printing. Departed patriots would have felt proud by seeing the supersized Korean flag preserved in the national cemetery.
Replies from combatant nations for Mannam Corporation’s activities.
We would like to truly thank the Presidents and Ambassadors who have shown much interest and given support to MANNAM activities.
We received letters of thanks and gratitude from 21 different country’s veterans, who came to the 2009 ‘Love of Our Country’ public patriot MANNAM event.
The Korean War and the meaning of the UN participation
On June 25, Sunday 4:00am, 1950, the tragic Korean War began with gunfire and after 3 years and 1 month, the ceasefire negotiation ended, leaving an everlasting pain and many scars behind. With the precious sacrifice of the veterans, we rose up and made unimaginable progress and developments. Within 60 years, trying to leave the pain behind, Korea was able to flourish in the world by holding the 88 Olympics, 2002 World Cup, and the G-20 Seoul Summit.
Marking the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, MANNAM Corporation held this event in remembrance of the veteran’s sacrifices which made Korea truly what it is today.
By the Arrangement of Collective Security, ‘UN takes effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace' UN forces enter the Korean War to protect Korea's liberalization. The Korean War was the first war involving the UN forces in an effort to bring forth Peace and freedom to Korea. So this became not just Korea's war, but a war in which the world shared.
We will never forget the sacrifice and dedication of the UN forces which allowed Korea to exist today.
Remembrance of Representative War Veteran’s
-Army Infantry Number 8830186, Sergeant Man Hee Lee remembrance
Unforgettable fellow soldiers who shed their blood
To the unforgettable fellow soldiers who shed their blood and for the departed patriots, I pray for the souls to rest in peace.

I was on the front lines for the Korean Special Forces, from the beginning of the war till the ceasefire negotiation ended and the noise of gunfire, bombs, and fighter planes did not stop even for one second. The ground was covered with blood, the sky was filled with smoke, and fellow soldier’s corpses were stacked on top of each other, which made the ground, the heavens and hearts throb.
The tragedy of this fratricidal war made sons, fathers and brothers, point guns at each other. The streets at that time, existed with vast bloodshed, full of screaming infants, horrible stories, and nightmares that can't even be remembered.
Until the day of a Truce, only military uniforms covered in blood were seen as I went forward for my country and nation.
Today Korea would not be in existence if it were not for the sacrifice of the many different nation's four hundred and twenty thousand forces and participation of the 21 countries.
On this 60th Anniversary of the Korean War, we have to remember the sacrifice and dedication of the fellow soldiers and patriots. We have to remember it forever. Korea, the country they laid down their life to protect. Through Love, We have to preserve the light forever.
Intent of the 60th anniversary, 25th of June

Republic of Korea will always remember you.
Representative of MANNAM, Kim Nam-Hee
As the mother bird covers the baby bird with its wings so they won’t get wet from the rain…
You gave away your precious and unique youth to protect the Korean peninsula from the pouring rain of bomb shells. Doubtless the heavens would be impressed. You participated in things which someone had to do.
Veterans of the war! Now I know that you are like our parents of Korea who has given us birth. Tears flowed in my heart when I felt the hearts of the Father’s whom sacrificed everything for their children.
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, we, as children of yours, set this place today to remember your sacrifice of blood once again and to tend to our parents with expression of filial piety. The Volunteer Association of MANNAM will work even harder, doing more volunteer works, and will be even more humble in this country that you protected. Your noble sacrifice for your country and today’s impressive meeting will be remembered forever in history. Thank you.
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