Monday, August 19, 2013

[MANNAM International] MANNAM Potluck Party in the new MANNAM office (Busan South)

Last weekend we had opened protluck party after we moved to our new MANNAM office.
Many MANNAM Volunteer members attended this party.
We were able to try many other countries traditional food through this potluck party.
As enjoying the party, we talked about our country and how foreigners are doing in Korea and the most thing I enjoyed was eating each traditional foods.
One of our members 'Hermes Ron' wrote his feelings that day.

One of our members 'Hermes Ron' wrote his feelings that day.

Not only the weather was warm on the day of the meeting, also the vibes and ties of friendship,
good willingness was glowing through out the whole evening.

I went with my girlfriend and good friend Jason from Wales to the event, since we got out of the
subway station of Gwangalli, already a person (MANNAM Volunteer Association) was waiting for whoever arrived  at that point and guide them(in our case us) to the place of the meeting.

At the front desk a welcoming face greeting us and asking us to join inside and sit in one of the many places available, to find inside friends and familiar faces all from the MANNAM group, specially the ones who every weekend make the effort to join the Futbol team.

Everything was set up to have a pleasant gathering, we had special food from our friends countries, like a delicious Russian waffle or a Vietnamese Rice, even for non-meat eaters they could delight themselves with delicious Shrimp and chips. During the first hour we were introduced to MANNAM Volunteer Association, a non-profit organization trying to unite people from different countries and backgrounds, as well locals, to join in a community that has for foundations peace, social harmony and kindness.

We were introduced to group leaders of Cultural and Sport activities, and freely invited to join whichever activity we were interested on doing. During the presentations personally I was glad I could salute people I knew having conversations and laughs with them, basically I had a nice evening.

Hermes Ron
Guadalajara, Mexico


  1. It's an interesting event, I hope I can join u one day,
    I like party and delicious food.ha!

  2. I love potluck party :) looks great:)
