Sunday, June 16, 2013

[MANNAM World News] North Korea offers chance for talks with United States

North Korea has said it wants to have high-level talks with the United States in a bid to ease tension in the region.
The move comes just days after the North called off plans for talks with South Korea, intended to mend ties between the two countries. The meeting would have been the first in more than two years.
North Korea blamed the cancellation on the South for scuttling discussions.
North Korea says Washington can pick the date and place for talks and the two sides can discuss a range of issues. However it added that no preconditions should be attached.
Earlier this year, North Korea threatened nuclear and
 missile strikes against South Korea and the United States after
 it was hit with U.N. sanctions following a nuclear weapons

Pyongyang says it will be happy to discuss disarmament but the world, including its southern neighbor, should also be denuclearised.
It also wants the US to sign a peace treaty formally ending the 1950-53 Korean War that divided the two Koreas.


The need for a mutuality of understanding between the nations of the world is of greater importance today than ever before for the world peace.
An opportunity that I hope It will have good new  in Korea, too, further more there will be peace all over the globe.
World peace is the greatest prize of all.
I believe such efforts will eventually lead to a peaceful reunification of the South and the North.
Why don't we work for peace together through MANNAM Volunteer Association and learn about the importance of world peace?

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