Thursday, April 18, 2013

[MANNAM Pledge of Peace Campaign] War Child Canada Help Child Soldiers

War Child Canada is stirring consciences with “Help Child Soldiers”, a provocative and ironic multimedia campaign designed to call attention to the estimated 300,000 children around the world who have been forced or drafted into armed groups. The charity is raising funds for humanitarian assistance to war-affected children around the world, as well as raising Canadian involvement in advocacy for the 300,000 children around the world who have been forced or drafted into armed groups.


Many people want peace. and there are many campaign for peace.
Here is  one of campaigns that i want it to introduce. It is 10Km in theire shoes.

10Km in their shoes, as in previous years, will be an awareness campaign.
April 14, a bright spring day, with a cool, crisp breeze - perfect weather for walking! And walk we did! All over Korea, around 900 volunteers took to the streets, mountainsides and parks to walk 10km in order to raise awareness for victims of natural disasters the world over.
The MANNAM sports teams came kitted out in their gear, while others from the volunteer groups and culture classes came sporting their MANNAM flare -badges and sticker-tattoos - a multinational feast for the senses.
For days prior to the events, volunteers could be found in virtually every major city in South Korea promoting the cause and gathering people to walk in the name of awareness for those affected by disasters.
Possibly the most original promotion tool, the '10k truck' could be seen driving around the streets of Busan. Meanwhile, in other areas volunteers picketed corners, manned booths, and made personal contact with the general public to get the word out.

*What do you do for peace?

This year youth organisations across the globe will be participating at different locations, all aiming to sound a clear message of their strong stance against wars. All partcipants will be walking to show their support for specific countries who are still struggling with ongoing wars, or the after effects of recent conflict. Through the 10km walk and the MIYC peace pledge the youth within Korean and abroad will show all nations how we wish to actively prusue peace.