MANNAM is the common ground on which all people of the world, irrespective of their differences, can unite and work towards the goal of the world peace and a culture of respect and tolerance through true volunteerism.
Monday, April 29, 2013
[MIYC] Article on the INDIA newspaper about 10km peace
Article from INDIA
Appeal to ease the tension by Shanti march (Peace March):
Atmosphere of tension is maintained all over the Korean peninsula because of the inflammatory statements and threats by North Korea On Sunday, at South Korea's capital Seoul, thousands of youth walk out for 10 kilometer Peace March and appeal to North Korea to establish the peace by stress reduction. This Peace March was organized by
an international NGO, called “MANNAM”.
As known, deep stress in Korean peninsula rose last month when North Korea threaten its neighbor country South Korea for nuclear attack on and turn the missiles on its side.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
[Fairtrade Campaign] Start your day with Fairtrade!
May is the month of Fairtrade!
England holds a fairtrade campaign every year. They host a fairtrade breakfast first time last year. It was impressived by kind guide and recipe.
Unfortunately, It' not main campaign of fairtrad breakfast this year.
but, many england people are waiting for this campaign.
I want to be involved in this fairtrade campaign.
breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
I wish our MANNAM member's want to be involved with them for health.
Host a Fairtrade Breakfast April 22-May 5, 2013

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But what if everyone around the world had a Fairtrade breakfast? What would it mean to producers? Consumers? The planet?
Between 22 April and 5 May, thousands of people around the world will serve Fairtrade breakfast to their friends, families and co-workers. You too can change the world over breakfast.
In 2011, 235,000 people in 22 countries took part in similar events. This year lots of Fairtrade producers are also joining in - from cocoa farmers in Ghana to wine growers in Lebanon, uniting us all in one global and fair breakfast.
Use the breakfast to…
•Try new Fairtrade products, like coffee, tea and fruit
•Gather your friends and families and tell them about how Fairtrade changes lives.
… and remember, it is a great excuse to eat chocolate for breakfast!
England holds a fairtrade campaign every year. They host a fairtrade breakfast first time last year. It was impressived by kind guide and recipe.
Unfortunately, It' not main campaign of fairtrad breakfast this year.
but, many england people are waiting for this campaign.
I want to be involved in this fairtrade campaign.
breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
I wish our MANNAM member's want to be involved with them for health.
Host a Fairtrade Breakfast April 22-May 5, 2013

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But what if everyone around the world had a Fairtrade breakfast? What would it mean to producers? Consumers? The planet?
Try these Fairtrade breakfast foods:
Coffee, Tea, Jam, Honey, Bananas, Pineapple,
Fruit Juice, Sugar, Cocoa, Rice
Coffee, Tea, Jam, Honey, Bananas, Pineapple,
Fruit Juice, Sugar, Cocoa, Rice
Fairtrade certified products, like coffee, tea and bananas are grown by farmers who are paid at least the Fairtrade Minimum Price for their products. Fairtrade farmers also receive the Fairtrade Premium: extra funds for social and business projects in their community. For a farmer, selling a product on the Fairtrade market can make the difference between barely scraping by and investing in their family's future. Between 22 April and 5 May, thousands of people around the world will serve Fairtrade breakfast to their friends, families and co-workers. You too can change the world over breakfast.
In 2011, 235,000 people in 22 countries took part in similar events. This year lots of Fairtrade producers are also joining in - from cocoa farmers in Ghana to wine growers in Lebanon, uniting us all in one global and fair breakfast.
Use the breakfast to…
•Try new Fairtrade products, like coffee, tea and fruit
•Gather your friends and families and tell them about how Fairtrade changes lives.
… and remember, it is a great excuse to eat chocolate for breakfast!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
[MIYC Project] “In their Shoes” – 10km Walk for Peace

Each youth organization will aim to host their own 10km walk - “In their Shoes”. Previously MANNAM International Volunteer Association hosted such events annually, or biannually to aid countries suffering from the devastation caused by natural disasters. Included in the awareness campaigns, messages of peace, hope and support were sent from our volunteers participating in the 10km walk. This year we will do the same but aim entirely at world peace. Photos and video footage from the events being held internationally will be sent back to the MIYC headquarters in Seoul, South Korea where we will combine all the material and distribute it to the public and international media. The “Unique Unity” fingerprint quilt will be flown over the start/finish-line of the 10km held by the MIYC headquarter organization, MVA, as a symbol of agreement between all the coalitions parties.
“In their Shoes” has been aired on International news broadcasting stations in 2011, and through this event MIYC will reach not only their direct communities but also the entire globe, with news of their campaigns for peace.
- Crossing cultures, languages, religions and races to walk side-by-side in peace.
- Raise awareness on an international level.
- Set an example in striving toward peaceful co-existence.
About MANNAM International Youth Coalition
By joining MIYC your organization will get a ton of cool stuff to help you make the biggest possible impact in your own community including-
Our Mission
The purpose of MIYC is to gather and unite youth associations like yours from around the world to support the development of their immediate communities and inspire their governments to actively pursue peace between nations.
The Memorandum of Understanding
One of the most exciting projects of 2013 is no doubt the drafting of a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) between the governments of the world whose purpose shall be to end all wars. And we need your help. MIYC will stand together to uphold the standards of peace amongst ourselves, and strive peacefully and respectfully to hold governments to honor their pledge to end wars.
The MIYC Summit
Without a doubt, the most anticipated events for MIYC Affiliates are the MIYC Summits. These exciting events will be held twice a year in spring and autumn in the dynamic, bustling capital of South Korea, Seoul. All affiliated associations will be invited to send two representatives to the summits at which youths from all affiliated groups will come together and participate in networking activities, program development and other workshops and seminars to enrich themselves and their communities. And of course we will have some serious fun!
The MIYC Newsletter
The MIYC newsletter will be published quarterly with spotlight articles highlighting the work being done by Affiliated members in the name of peace, updates on the MOU and other newsworthy events in the MIYC community. Written contributions will be accepted from all Affiliated members - everyone will have the chance to shine!
Basic Principles of MIYC
Any individual or group affiliated to MIYC shall retain full autonomy, being governed by their own constitution and by-laws. However, all Affiliates should at all times conduct themselves in such as way as to further the good standing of MIYC within their community.
To this end the following principles shall be adhered to by any group wishing to be affiliated to MIYC. The MIYC representative will be held accountable by MVA to ensure that these principles are fully implemented within the Affiliate.
The basic principles of MIYC are as follows:
By joining MIYC your organization will get a ton of cool stuff to help you make the biggest possible impact in your own community including-
- access to an international network of inspiring, proactive individuals and associations
- tons of superb event and project templates designed to help you create a positive change in your community
- invitations to awesome Youth Summits where you will meet with dynamic leaders like yourself, internationally renowned guest speakers, performers, and workers for peace
- featuring in MIYC’s quarterly newsletter, distributed internationally, which will spotlight MIYC’s work around the world
As MIYC representatives in your country, you and your organization will be counted among a growing number of internationally recognized groups who all stand together for peace. All this will dramatically boost your organization’s visibility and impact within your country.
Our Mission
The purpose of MIYC is to gather and unite youth associations like yours from around the world to support the development of their immediate communities and inspire their governments to actively pursue peace between nations.
The Memorandum of Understanding
One of the most exciting projects of 2013 is no doubt the drafting of a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) between the governments of the world whose purpose shall be to end all wars. And we need your help. MIYC will stand together to uphold the standards of peace amongst ourselves, and strive peacefully and respectfully to hold governments to honor their pledge to end wars.
The MIYC Summit
Without a doubt, the most anticipated events for MIYC Affiliates are the MIYC Summits. These exciting events will be held twice a year in spring and autumn in the dynamic, bustling capital of South Korea, Seoul. All affiliated associations will be invited to send two representatives to the summits at which youths from all affiliated groups will come together and participate in networking activities, program development and other workshops and seminars to enrich themselves and their communities. And of course we will have some serious fun!
The MIYC Newsletter
The MIYC newsletter will be published quarterly with spotlight articles highlighting the work being done by Affiliated members in the name of peace, updates on the MOU and other newsworthy events in the MIYC community. Written contributions will be accepted from all Affiliated members - everyone will have the chance to shine!
Basic Principles of MIYC
Any individual or group affiliated to MIYC shall retain full autonomy, being governed by their own constitution and by-laws. However, all Affiliates should at all times conduct themselves in such as way as to further the good standing of MIYC within their community.
To this end the following principles shall be adhered to by any group wishing to be affiliated to MIYC. The MIYC representative will be held accountable by MVA to ensure that these principles are fully implemented within the Affiliate.
The basic principles of MIYC are as follows:
- Any individual between the ages of 15 and 35 (“youth”), or youth organization is free to join MIYC but shall commit to working towards world peace. All members shall conduct their activities in a peaceful, lawful and respectful way.
- There shall be no discrimination against individuals or groups based on religion, gender, political persuasion, sexuality, nationality, or ethnicity etc within MIYC or its MIYC activities.
- Activities undertaken by any Affiliate member of MIYC shall in no way infringe upon or impede any of the rights granted to an individual or group by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (“UDHR”) defined by the United Nations detailed at .
MANNAM International Youth Coalition
MANNAM International Youth Coalition
You hold in your hands
a document with the which will allow you
to be part of a world-changingnew project - the MANNAM International Youth Coalition.
As youth leaders, we understand the future of our world
is in the hands of the youth.
The power to renew our environment, to uplift the standards of society,
to create a new culture of peace and respect between races, cultures, religions
and nations lies with the youth.
Through this document, MANNAM Volunteer Association invites
you to join us in this dynamic new coalition
We, the youth, have the power to create a better future,
one free from conflicts and war.
We acknowledge the supreme sacrifices of those who have fought – given their lives to make this world a better place for us. We thank them with all our hearts and accept readily the responsibility to make our world better
so their sacrifices do not come to naught.
Today, by uniting in one purpose, let us achieve that dream and realize a vision of a world of justice, peace, security and prosperity by creating a new culture for all humanity.
This is the vision of MANNAM International Youth Coalition.
Please, join us as we build a legacy of peace the world cannot ignore.
The MIYC Coordination Team
Friday, April 19, 2013
[MANNAM Volunteer] Guerrillia Gardening Day
Do you know the Guerrillia Gardening?
It is donation for all of us everywhere to go out beyound our gardens and plant sunflower seeds in the hope that they will bring beauty and health to our neighbourhoods.
This activity began in 2004 around London. It is now also a growing arsenal for anyone interested in the war against neglect and scarcity of public space as a place to grow things.
MANNAM is also volunteer organization. our mission is to bring al peope of different nationalities, creds and cultures together through volunteering and to learn and understand about eaceh other: When good things come together, the result will be even greater - world peace.
We volunteer silently and without fanfare. We do our work behind the scenes. We do not work for accolades or self aggrandisement; our lights are hidden.
Let us do many good things for the world, including charity work and campaigns for our world.
It is donation for all of us everywhere to go out beyound our gardens and plant sunflower seeds in the hope that they will bring beauty and health to our neighbourhoods.
This activity began in 2004 around London. It is now also a growing arsenal for anyone interested in the war against neglect and scarcity of public space as a place to grow things.
MANNAM is also volunteer organization. our mission is to bring al peope of different nationalities, creds and cultures together through volunteering and to learn and understand about eaceh other: When good things come together, the result will be even greater - world peace.
We volunteer silently and without fanfare. We do our work behind the scenes. We do not work for accolades or self aggrandisement; our lights are hidden.
Let us do many good things for the world, including charity work and campaigns for our world.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
[MANNAM Pledge of Peace Campaign] War Child Canada Help Child Soldiers
War Child Canada is stirring consciences with “Help Child Soldiers”, a provocative and ironic multimedia campaign designed to call attention to the estimated 300,000 children around the world who have been forced or drafted into armed groups. The charity is raising funds for humanitarian assistance to war-affected children around the world, as well as raising Canadian involvement in advocacy for the 300,000 children around the world who have been forced or drafted into armed groups.
Many people want peace. and there are many campaign for peace.
Here is one of campaigns that i want it to introduce. It is 10Km in theire shoes.
10Km in their shoes, as in previous years, will be an awareness campaign.
April 14, a bright spring day, with a cool, crisp breeze - perfect weather for walking! And walk we did! All over Korea, around 900 volunteers took to the streets, mountainsides and parks to walk 10km in order to raise awareness for victims of natural disasters the world over.
The MANNAM sports teams came kitted out in their gear, while others from the volunteer groups and culture classes came sporting their MANNAM flare -badges and sticker-tattoos - a multinational feast for the senses.
For days prior to the events, volunteers could be found in virtually every major city in South Korea promoting the cause and gathering people to walk in the name of awareness for those affected by disasters.
Possibly the most original promotion tool, the '10k truck' could be seen driving around the streets of Busan. Meanwhile, in other areas volunteers picketed corners, manned booths, and made personal contact with the general public to get the word out.
This year youth organisations across the globe will be participating at different locations, all aiming to sound a clear message of their strong stance against wars. All partcipants will be walking to show their support for specific countries who are still struggling with ongoing wars, or the after effects of recent conflict. Through the 10km walk and the MIYC peace pledge the youth within Korean and abroad will show all nations how we wish to actively prusue peace.
Many people want peace. and there are many campaign for peace.
Here is one of campaigns that i want it to introduce. It is 10Km in theire shoes.
10Km in their shoes, as in previous years, will be an awareness campaign.
April 14, a bright spring day, with a cool, crisp breeze - perfect weather for walking! And walk we did! All over Korea, around 900 volunteers took to the streets, mountainsides and parks to walk 10km in order to raise awareness for victims of natural disasters the world over.
The MANNAM sports teams came kitted out in their gear, while others from the volunteer groups and culture classes came sporting their MANNAM flare -badges and sticker-tattoos - a multinational feast for the senses.
For days prior to the events, volunteers could be found in virtually every major city in South Korea promoting the cause and gathering people to walk in the name of awareness for those affected by disasters.
Possibly the most original promotion tool, the '10k truck' could be seen driving around the streets of Busan. Meanwhile, in other areas volunteers picketed corners, manned booths, and made personal contact with the general public to get the word out.
*What do you do for peace?
This year youth organisations across the globe will be participating at different locations, all aiming to sound a clear message of their strong stance against wars. All partcipants will be walking to show their support for specific countries who are still struggling with ongoing wars, or the after effects of recent conflict. Through the 10km walk and the MIYC peace pledge the youth within Korean and abroad will show all nations how we wish to actively prusue peace.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
[MANNAM Peace] Northern Ireland people tell of Boston bomb ordeals
[source: BBC news] The explosions happened near the finish line of the marathon
People from Northern Ireland have been describing their ordeals as they were caught up in Boston's Marathon Day bombing.
Three people have been killed and more than 100 injured in the blasts.
The FBI described it as a "potential terrorist inquiry".
Former boxing world champion Eamon Loughran, from Ballymena, County Antrim was in Boston for the marathon. He said he prayed for three hours as he waited to find out if his wife was safe.
Mr Loughran had arranged to meet his wife, Angela, by the flags at the finish line, exactly where the first device exploded.
He said he went back to his hotel, and said they both burst out crying when she walked through the door several hours later.
Former Ireland correspondent of the Boston Globe, Kevin Cullen, said the father of a young boy who died in the blasts, had just finished the race.
"When he finished the race his young son left the sidewalk, he went on to Boylston Street and hugged his dad and then he went back on the sidewalk and his father went on to register his time," he said.
"The bomb exploded, the boy was killed, his mother was severely injured."
Mr Cullen said he knew a firefighter who picked up the dead boy's sister.
"My friend the firefighter picked the girl up and carried her to an ambulance," he added.
"He said that when he put her down he realised her leg was missing.
"He is a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan and he told me what he saw today was worse than anything he saw in a warzone."
James McDaid from Coleraine is a surgeon at the main hospital in Boston - Massachusetts General.
"Earlier on things were on high alert but now it seems things are settling down a little and the number of casualties is relatively manageable," he said.
"A couple of hours ago it was real pandemonium here, non-stop sirens, police and ambulances all around the place, but now I hear a siren once every five or 10 minutes.
"The emergency room has been very busy. I saw 20 or 30 ambulances go by, but with regard to exactly how many casualties came to Massachusetts I'm not quite sure. I have heard reports of 20, 30 or 40 in that region."
A command centre was set up at the hospital in the aftermath of the bombings.
"People have been very emotionally charged," Mr McDaid added.
"A number of people have been contacting their loved ones to make sure they are ok.
"I called my wife to make sure she was ok, with the kids at home.
"Being from Northern Ireland bombs are something that will never be commonplace, but it is something that we are perhaps somewhat familiar with whereas here in Boston it is something that really is alien to people and it brings back echoes of 9/11 in New York, so people are upset about it in the hospital."
We must think carefully with the news.
There are many others who has become a victim without cause.
This is not only about terrorism but also about the war!
Millions of people were uprooted by the war and everyone is haunted by the fear of war.
Also, the victims of the war were children and young people.
I want peace and I wish many people want peace, too.
If many people think carefully with the peace, it will chances for peace in the world.
Monday, April 15, 2013
[MANNAM Volunteer] Love is Contagious
*Love is Contagious #1*
Be a good COMPANY & JOY to the elders in a NURSING HOME
A Day with Grandpas & Grandmas Venue: Seoho Nursing House, Busan
No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks to elders.
How beautiful their day can be when kindness touches it.
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time:
they just have the heart.
We will be so HAPPY to have more people to participate and share our HEART to them.
Join us and share Your heart.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
[MANNAM International] Gathering of Volunteers
Spring is here, everyone!
Winter has finally passed and now spring is here.
As the weather gets warmer, colorful flowers are blooming!
The lush tropical foliage, vibrant blooms, and winding trails are perfect for a romantic afternoon with a loved one or a day out with friends.
So, I made good use of the weekend and did a activity just outside of Busan.
Indeed, I was happy to facilitate a meeting between the hon.
We walked from Gwan-an to Pu-Kyoung Uni.
There is famous for its cherry blossoms on the way.
When we walked the way, we really feel a beautiful.
The cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
It looks like snow, when flower petals were swirling about in the wind.
We took pictures to make a memorable experience for us.
We had a marvelous time this weekend.
I had such a pleasant time.
National Foreigners' Soccer League
Yo! Sports Lovers!
Behold, The 2nd MANNAM Victory Cup is here.
MANNAM VICTORY CUP is one of the largest multicultural sports events of the year in Korea.
The goal is to join together people from many different nations and cultures to promote 'A Worldwide Community of PEACE' through a massive sports event of international soccer tournaments as well as many others sports competitions.
You can receive more information to participate in this Tournament by emailling
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